
Below you will find a list that includes events and programs sponsored by our branch. We also publish some events sponsored by our sister branches, state chapter and the AAUW national organization.

Items Published in Green Text are our Branch Sponsored Events.
Items Published in Purple Text are sponsored by our State or National Association.

For more information on our Interest Group meetings and events, please see our Interest Group page of the website. Some groups meet weekly and some meet monthly.


February, 2025

February 8, 2025
Terry Nagel will speak on environmental issues/climate change. Nagel, former mayor of Burlingame and current board chair of Sustainable San Mateo County, will demonstrate how to make positive change at the local level.

March, 2025

March 8, 2025
Tentative Topic: DEI for women in tech/sciences

April, 2025

April 5, 2025, Via Zoom
Topic: AAUW Fund speaker; Mid-Peninsula Annual Meeting and election of officers

May, 2025

Date TBD
Mid-Peninsula Installation Luncheon


January 2025
Be Smart for Kids: Safe Firearm Storage
(firearms are the leading cause of death for American children

November 2024
General Meeting featuring Dr. Jennifer Wolf, a senior lecturer in the Graduate School of Education at Stanford, and Sarah La Torra, Redwood City Library Interim Director.  Topic is “Book Banning: A Primer for All Ages.”

October 2024
General meeting with League of Women Voters
Learning about California propositions

September 2024
General meeting with our Tek Trek girls! 

May, 2024
Installation of our new officers

April, 2024
This meeting featured Abu Sumbas, a national AAUW Funds recipient.
This meeting included voting on officers for next year.

Brown Bag Lunch at Burton Park in San Carlos.  

March, 2024
Meeting featured Danelle Powell, a tenured professor in the Communication Studies Dept. of Skyline College, who runs the Women’s Leadership and Mentoring Academy.

February, 2024
Meeting on Climate Change; Elaine Salinger, co-leader of the SM County Chapter of the Citizens’ Climate Lobby.

November, 2023
Featuring Janice Matre, Program Manager of Hope House.  She explained some of the changes that have taken place in the last few years at Hope House.

October, 2023
Featuring Amika Guillaume, principal at East Palo Alto Academy.

Sept, 2023
September 2023, Featuring Tech Trek participants from this summer.  They told us about their in-person and virtual experiences at Tech Trek and showed us some examples of their projects.

May, 2023
Saturday, May 20th  Walk with our branch in the San Carlos Hometown Parade!

Saturday, May 13th  (AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch and San Mateo Branch Meeting
Retired judge, LaDoris Cordell
Retired Santa Clara County Supreme Court Justice LaDoris Cordell is a 1974 graduate of Stanford Law School.  She was the first lawyer to open a law practice in East Palo Alto.  In 1978, she was appointed assistant dean for Student Affairs at Stanford Law School, where she implemented a successful minority admissions program.

In 1982, Gov. Jerry Brown appointed Cordell to the Municipal Court of Santa Clara County, making her the first African American woman judge in Northern California.  In 1988, Cordell won election to the Superior Court of Santa Clara County.

In 2001, she retired from the bench to become Vice Provost and Special Counselor to the President for Campus Relations at Stanford.  She left that position in 2009.

Her recently released memoir, Her Honor, is a finalist for the California Book Award.

April 2023

Saturday, April 15th  (AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch Meeting)- 2pm, via Zoom
Annual Meeting and Elections.
AAUW Funds Speaker.

Faheema Eissar, an AAUW International Fellowship recipient, spoke at the Mid-Peninsula Branch Annual Meeting. 

A young woman from Afghanistan who is currently finishing her master’s degree at the University of San Francisco, she discussed the challenges and successes that have brought her to this place in her life.

For the past two years, Faheema Eissar received an international fellowship from AAUW. The grant supports her studies in International and Development Economics and her thesis on post-conflict economic recovery.

Eissar knows conflict. She grew up under Taliban rule, which prevented her from attending school until she was 12 years old. “I have lived in a conflict zone all my life,” she said. In July 2021, she left Kabul for USF. The very next month, the Taliban returned to power. In September, the Taliban government closed the country’s ministry for women’s affairs, fired female staff members, and renamed the building the Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice. This ministry regulates how women dress and whether women can move outside the home unaccompanied by male relatives.

“Today, I would not be able to leave the country for graduate school,” Eissar said. “And if I were to remain there, I would not be allowed to study anything — let alone economics.”

March 2023

Sunday, March 5th  (Special Presentation with Mid-Peninsula Branch, San Mateo Branch and San Francisco Branch in Honor of International Women’s Day) – 4pm ZOOM
“17 Women Who Shook the World”. Join these 3 branches for a wonderful presentation by Preethi Fernando. Learn more about Shirley Chisolm, Harriet Tubman, Esther Morris, Meryl Streep, and many more. Discover some the behavior and thinking patterns that attract success and happiness. Preethi Burkholder is an AAUW Fellow, and inspires women, men, and children to achieve their dreams, find success, and lead meaningful lives.

Saturday, March 11th  (AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch Meeting) – 2pm Redwood Shores Public Library: Community Room (399 Marine Parkway Redwood City, CA 94065)

Christina Corpus, the newly elected Sheriff of San Mateo County, will talk about women in law enforcement and the changes she has seen during her career. Corpus, the daughter of immigrants from Nicaragua and Mexico, was born and raised in the Bay Area where she has lived her entire life.

After being a victim of a carjacking, she was drawn to work in public safety. She started her career as a caseworker with the San Mateo County District Attorney’s Office in 1995. Corpus moved to the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office in 2002 and has held many positions in that organization. Most recently, she served as Chief of Police for Millbrae. She holds a bachelor’s degree in law enforcement leadership from Union Institute and University and a master of science degree in law enforcement and public safety leadership from the University of San Diego.

February 2023

Saturday, February 11th  (AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch Meeting – 2pm ZOOM)
What’s In A Name: Heritage Controversies at Stanford and in Palo Alto. Join us on Saturday, Feb 11th at 2pm on ZOOM to learn more about recent heritage controversies at Stanford University and in Palo Alto that are resulting in the renaming of streets and buildings, the removal of statues, and more.   Our presenter for the day will be Dr. Laura Jones, University Archeologist and Executive Director of Heritage Studies for Stanford University. Dr. Jones is responsible for stewardship of the university’s nearly 200 archaeological sites and advises the university on preservation of historic buildings and landscapes as well.

 January 2023

Saturday, January 14th  (AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch Meeting – 2pm ZOOM)
The Immigrant Experience in San Mateo County. Our January meeting is going to be a wonderful presentation showcasing the incredible ethnic diversity that is a part of San Mateo County’s rich cultural heritage. Our presenter is Carmen Blair, Deputy Director of the San Mateo Historical Association.  Carmen joined the staff of the Association in 1998 and has been Deputy Director since 2007.  Among her many responsibilities, she is involved with school programs, public programs for adults and children, exhibit design and publications.  She served as a regional representative of the American Association of State and Local History National Awards Team for four years.  She received her B.A. in History from Gustavus Adolphus College (St. Peter, MN) and her M.A. in Museum Studies from San Francisco State University.

 December 2022

Saturday, December 3: 10:30  (AAUW Mid-Peninsula Pop-Up Meeting – ZOOM)
Crafting Change: The Work We are Doing in Africa to Help Girls Stay in School. Join our branch as we hear from Robyn Peters, with Crafting Change, a non-profit that is working to help girls and women around the world.

November 2022

Thursday, November 3, 2022. 10am-12noon  (AAUW CA sponsored webinar)
AAUW California DEI Statewide Chat: An Intimate Conversation with AAUW National leaders, Julia Brown and Melissa LaDuke. We’ll discuss their engagement in AAUW on a personal level, what National is doing to promote DEI, and what we can do on an individual and branch level to further our own understanding and strengthen our commitment to this work.

Saturday, November 12, 2022. 10am-12noon  (AAUW CA sponsored webinar 4 of 4)
AAUW Fund Recipients from CA. AAUW-CA (our state association) is hosting 4 webinars where 39 of the California fellow and grant recipients will share nuggets of their fascinating studies.  These amazing women are all part of what our AAUW Fund dollars support.  Each of the 4 webinars will cover a different group of women.  Their work areas cover a broad array of topics including: sustainable environments, global migration, refugee studies, disaster planning and management, maternal child nutrition, robotics and engineering, as well as biophysics, Antarctic marine microbiology, and anti-violence work.

Saturday, November 12th  (AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch Meeting – 2pm  Redwood Shores Public Library: Community Room (399 Marine Parkway Redwood City, CA 94065)
Homelessness in San Mateo County: Redwood City’s Response to this Crisis. Join us for our General Branch Meeting, co-hosted with the AAUW San Mateo Branch,  and hear Teri Chin, Human Services Manager for Redwood City provide an in-depth look at homelessness in San Mateo County, and how Redwood City and other cities in the Bay area are working to create sustainable solutions to reach “functional zero” homelessness.  Redwood City has the highest percentage of homeless individuals in San Mateo County, and overall there was a 21% increase in homelessness in San Mateo County based on the one day count in February 2022.  Learn more about how our cities are working to reverse this trend and improve the lives of everyone living in the county.

October 2022

Saturday, October 8, 2022. 2pm  (AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch Meeting – ZOOM)
2022 CA Ballot Propositions. The San Mateo AAUW branch and our branch, will host an Analysis by the League of Women Voters of North and Central San Mateo County on the California November 2022 ballot propositions. Gayle Hardt, former San Mateo AAUW branch President and former board member of the San Mateo County League of Women Voters of North & Central San Mateo County, will be presenting the League’s non-partisan analysis of the California Propositions on the November ballot.

Saturday, October 15, 2022. 10am-12noon  (AAUW CA sponsored webinar 1 of 4)
AAUW Fund Recipients from CA. AAUW-CA (our state association) is hosting 4 webinars (each with different speakers) where 39 of the California fellow and grant recipients will share nuggets of their fascinating studies.  These amazing women are all part of what our AAUW Fund dollars support.  Each of the 4 webinars will cover a different group of women.  Their work areas cover a broad array of topics including: sustainable environments, global migration, refugee studies, disaster planning and management, maternal child nutrition, robotics and engineering, as well as biophysics, Antarctic marine microbiology, and anti-violence work.

Saturday, October 22, 2022. 10am-12noon  (AAUW CA sponsored webinar 2 of 4)
AAUW Fund Recipients from CA. AAUW-CA (our state association) is hosting 4 webinars (each with different speakers) where 39 of the California fellow and grant recipients will share nuggets of their fascinating studies.  These amazing women are all part of what our AAUW Fund dollars support.  Each of the 4 webinars will cover a different group of women.  Their work areas cover a broad array of topics including: sustainable environments, global migration, refugee studies, disaster planning and management, maternal child nutrition, robotics and engineering, as well as biophysics, Antarctic marine microbiology, and anti-violence work.

Sunday, October23, 2022. 1pm-3pm  (AAUW CA sponsored webinar 3 of 4)
AAUW Fund Recipients from CA. AAUW-CA (our state association) is hosting 4 webinars (each with different speakers) where 39 of the California fellow and grant recipients will share nuggets of their fascinating studies.  These amazing women are all part of what our AAUW Fund dollars support.  Each of the 4 webinars will cover a different group of women.  Their work areas cover a broad array of topics including: sustainable environments, global migration, refugee studies, disaster planning and management, maternal child nutrition, robotics and engineering, as well as biophysics, Antarctic marine microbiology, and anti-violence work.

September 2022

Wednesday, September 14, 2022. 11-12:30pm (AAUW Mid- Peninsula Season Kick-Off) (Burton Park: 900 Chestnut Street, San Carlos- behind the tennis courts and next to the bocce lanes – look for the AAUW Banner)
Kick-Off for the Season with a Get-Together in the Park.  We’ll be gathering in Burton Park in San Carlos for an informal get together. Catch up with long time members! Meet new members! Learn about Program Speakers for this Fall and Spring meetings! Pick up your directory! Check in with your Neighborhood Group and touch base with Interest Group Leaders!  Meet your new Board Members!  Snacks, goodies and tasty tidbits! Interested in joining the Mid-Peninsula Branch – please email us and let us know you are coming- we would love to have you!

May 2022

Thursday, May 5, Noon  (AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch)
Social gathering of branch members (Brown Bag Lunch). Meet and Greet with new board members. Members bring your own folding lawn chair for seating. We are meeting near the bocce ball courts along Cedar Avenue in San Carlos at Burton Park.  Bring your own brown bag lunch (beverage and fruit provided). Bring a friend that may be interested in joining to meet our members and learn more about AAUW – any new members signing up after this event will get a special discount on their membership fees!

Friday, May 6th, 2022 1PM- ZOOM , (AAUW Mid- Peninsula Monthly Branch Program)
Jasmeet Dhaliwal, Planetary Scientist, UC Santa Cruz. “Investigating the Role of a Supernova Explosion in the Formation of the Solar System”.  Jasmeet studies the chemistry of the early solar system and how it has influenced planet formation and evolution. She is actively involved in outreach for K-12 students as well as efforts to increase diversity, equity and inclusion in the STEM fields.

April 2022

Saturday, April 2, 11AM  (AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch)
Zoom. Speaker Rebecca Zeigler Mano shares her vision for educational transformation for high achieving, low income students.

Wednesday, April 6, 10:30AM  (AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch)
Social gathering of branch members (Coffee and Sweets). Members bring your own folding lawn chair for seating. We are meeting near the bocce ball courts along Cedar Avenue in San Carlos at Burton Park. Bring a friend that may be interested in joining to meet our members and learn more about AAUW.

Thursday, April 7, 7PM (Sponsored by AAUW-California state office for all AAUW CA branch members)
Webinar, Training for Lobby Week (see information below). This webinar will provide training for AAUW members who have registered to participate in Lobby Week April 11-15, 2022.

April 11-15 (sponsored by AAUW-CA, coordinated with California branches)
CA Lobby Week with legislators. Meet by Zoom (and possibly in person) with local representatives to present AAUW’s stance on priority bills.  Advocacy is an important part of AAUW’s mission.  And there are numerous current bills affecting women and girls that AAUW wants passed.  This is really powerful opportunity to get training and step up and be heard. Every voice matters, and speaking with our local representatives is an important part of the process.  Learn more here.  Note that there is mandatory training on April 7th, and there is a survey you need to fill out prior to the event.

Saturday, April 23, 10am (AAUW Mid-Peninsula Monthly Branch Program)
General Branch Meeting/Election/AAUW Fund Speaker & Named Gift Honoree(s). Our speaker today is Maritza Sanchez, a PhD candidate at the University of California, San Diego studying Materials Science and Engineering. Her research focuses on the development of nanocubes of high temperature ceramic materials for applications in extreme environments. She is a first generation college student and is very passionate about community outreach and diversity & inclusion. She is an active member of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) where she has led efforts in increasing the number of underrepresented students going into graduate school programs, supporting Latinas in the STEM fields, and creating STEM outreach activities for students K-12.

Saturday, April 30, 2022, 9:30 AM Pacific (Sponsored by AAUW- CA state office)
Zoom, AAUW-CA State Convention.  This year’s virtual convention “adventure” for branch members with feature a morning and afternoon session. The morning  will include:

  • inspirational words from Lisa Maatz , Senior Adviser, Ohio Citizen Action and former AAUW Policy Rock Star, and Jasmine Sadler, Owner and Founder, The STEAM Collaborative
  • Focus our telescopes on the year’s accomplishments
  • Honor our AAUW expedition leaders with the announcement of the Named Gift Honoree, Equity Champion and Branch Activity of the Year winners
  • Review our advocacy efforts
  • Share important news and updates
  • Venture out with a few surprises

The afternoon route will wind into unfamiliar territory.  Instead of the usual workshops, you will have the chance to venture out and Choose Your Own Adventure with a self-guided journey deep into the “topical” jungle of AAUW ideas that you might be interested in talking about.  We will offer multiple Zoom breakout rooms hosted by Trail Guides (people like YOU), who will informally guide the conversations in the room. No agendas. No Powerpoints. No handouts. We’ll just network and share thoughts, stories, experiences, and maybe some debate.

March 2022

Tuesday, Mar 8, 2022 (UN official holiday)
International Woman’s Day. The 2022 theme for International Women’s Day is “#BreakTheBias. Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women’s equality. Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias.  Learn more here.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022, 1 PM (AAUW Mid-Peninsula Monthly Branch Program)
Zoom, “The Art of Korea from 3rd Century CE Through Present Day” with Ginny Meyer, Asian Art Museum. Ginny Meyer, docent for the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco, will present an overview of the art of Korea, tracing the development from the earliest recorded information to the present day.  Prior to becoming a docent and storyteller for the museum, Ms. Meyer was a Peace Corps volunteer in Korea in 1969 and 1970, where she developed a deep and lifelong appreciation of Korean art and culture.

February 2022

Saturday, February 12, 2022, 10 AM (Monthly AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch Program)
Zoom, “Women of Russia: It’s Complicated” with Micki Carter. Micki Carter is the former managing editor of The San Mateo Times and a highly acclaimed author of numerous books about Russia. She has been traveling to and writing about Russia since 1998.  This presentation will cover current conditions in the largest country in the world.

Sunday, February 20, 2022 (Sponsored by the UN)
World Social Justice Day. The 2022 theme for the United Nation’s World Day of Social Justice is “Achieving Social Justice through Formal Employment”. More than 60% of the world’s employed population (2 billion women, men and youth) earn their livelihoods in the informal economy. There they lack any form of social protection or employment related benefits and are twice as likely to be poor when compared to formal workers. Promoting the transition to formality is a necessary condition to reduce poverty and inequalities.

Monday, February 21, 2022, 10:15 AM Pacific (Sponsored by the UN)
Webinar, “Achieving Social Justice Through Formal Employment” The Permanent Mission of the Kyrgyz Republic to the UN, the United Nations Development Program, and the International Labor Organization (ILO) invite you to a virtual event to commemorate the 2022 World Day of Social Justice on the theme, “Achieving Social Justice through Formal Employment.” This webinar is open to the public.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022, 12 Noon Pacific (AAUW-CA sponsored Lunch and Learn)
Webinar, “From Corporate America to Entrepreneurship-How Do We Transition” The state office of AAUW (AAUW California) is holding an amazing lunch and learn on Feb 22nd at 12noon! Laura Hall is the presenter, formerly President of Polo Ralph Lauren Accessories. She is an author, speaker and fashion industry consultant with WHYZ Partners. As an entrepreneur, Laura follows the tenants of Conscious Capitalism, ensuring that purpose meets profits and has carried her passion in Conscious Capitalism to our future generations through her book, The ABC’s of Conscious Capitalism for Kids. 

Friday, February 25, 2022, 7 PM Pacific (AAUW- San Francisco branch hosted event)
HBO Movie (Eventbrite), “LFG – Equal Play, Equal Pay; Women’s National Soccer Team” The San Francisco branch of AAUW is hosting a FREE online screening of LFG, a no-hold-barred, inside account of the US Women’s National Soccer Team’s ongoing fight for equal pay. These remarkable women must meet the physical demands and pressures of being top athletes while showcasing their courage, spirit, and resiliency in an effort to create long-lasting social change.

January 2022

January 5-30th, 2022
AAUW Art Competition For More Information 

Wednesday, January 19, 2022, 1 PM
Zoom, Rosalyn Tonai, Director, Nat’l Japanese-American Historical Society, Japanese emigration/settlement in California, incl. WWII incarceration.

Saturday, January 22, 2:45-4:15PM
Zoom, “Roe vs Wade Anniversary” with LA/MV

October, 2021

Zoom, Georgia Gillian, Institute for the Future, “How Jobs Will Change in the Future,” with San Mateo AAUW Branch

Zoom, Pop-up meeting on Afghanistan refugees, with San Mateo AAUW Branch

Sept, 2021

Saturday, Sept 18, 2021 10:00 AM Zoom.
Author and journalist, Dan Morain discusses his latest book, “Kamala’s Way.”

April, 2021

Annual Mid-Peninsula  Meeting with Fellowship Speaker, Yvonne Zhang.

Asian Art Museum docent, Mary Mead, gave a fabulous presentation to us on Demons, Creatures, and Monsters — Oh My!  

March, 2021
Mary and Walter Englert gave a presentation on Climate Realities, based on  The Climate Reality Project founded by former Vice President Al Gore.  Its primary goal is to train individuals to spread awareness of the climate crisis while inspiring action for climate solutions in communities throughout the world.

February, 2021
Sienna Fontaine, legal director of Make the Road, New York, spoke about the power of immigrant, low-income, and working-class communities.

January, 2021
Scott McMullin from Villages of San Mateo County.

November, 2020
General Branch Meeting with Beth von Emster, ACLU of No. CA volunteer, speaking on “A Primer of our Rights as American Women.”

October, 2020
League of Women Voters Presents Pros and Cons of CA Ballot Measures

September, 2020
Shelley Silbert, executive director of Great Old Broads for Wilderness, talked about “Climate Change: How Public Lands Can Be Part of the Solution.

     Go to Broads Website

August, 2020
Laura Parmer-Lohan, the vice mayor of San Carlos and a Mid-Peninsula AAUW member, spoke about how she grew into being a strong leader, working her way up in the corporate world.  After finding her seat at the  table, she decided to build her own table, and build her own business. A very inspiring story. 


June 6, 2020
Kazakhstani researcher was June speaker,

We were so pleased to welcome our speaker for the June 6 Installation/Annual Meeting, Aisulu Aitbekova. A doctoral candidate in chemical engineering, she helps synthesize materials for catalytic and energy applications. HerPh.D. project is focused on converting carbon di-oxide, emission gas, into valuable products such as fuel and chemical. Aitbekova says she is grateful for the help she has received as an AAUW International Fellowship recipient.