Branch Newsletters

Every month, our members receive a branch newsletter, The TRIAD, full of information about past and upcoming events, interest group activities and important information from our leadership team and committee members.

It includes photos from past meetings, information about the next branch meeting (and information about any presentations and speakers that will be there), changes to Interest Group activities, AAUW Fund updates, neighborhood gatherings, and general information on what’s happening in AAUW at the local, state and national level.


Our branch is extremely fortunate to have a phenomenal editor, who masterfully produces these newsletters for the members.  It is usually emailed out a week or two before the start of each month, so you will always have the latest information to update your calendars with.

You are always welcome to email our branch to obtain a copy of any particular month, talk to our membership team, or ask any questions of our leadership team.

We’ll be posting copies of our newsletter here for your enjoyment.  Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you’d like more information about membership, are interested in speaking to our group, advertising in our newsletter, or would like to attend a meeting.


February ’25 Triad, Newsletter of the AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch (Click here for February ’25 Triad download)






Dec ’24, Jan ’25 Triad, Newsletter of the AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch (Click here for Dec ’24/Jan ’25 Triad download)





November ‘24 Triad, Newsletter of the AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch (Click here for November ’24 Triad download)






October ‘24 Triad, Newsletter of the AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch (Click here for October ’24 pdf download)






Sept ‘24 Triad, Newsletter of the AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch (Click here for Sept ’24 Triad )






June ‘24 Triad, Newsletter of the AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch (Click here for June Triad download)






May ‘24 Triad, Newsletter of the AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch (Click here for May ’24 pdf download)






April ‘24 Triad, Newsletter of the AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch (Click here for April ’24 pdf download)






March ‘24 Triad, Newsletter of the AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch (Click here for March ’24 pdf download)






Feb. ‘24 Triad, Newsletter of the AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch (Click here for Feb. ’24 pdf download)






Dec. ‘23 Triad, Newsletter of the AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch (Click here for Dec. ’23 pdf download)






Nov. ‘23 Triad, Newsletter of the AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch (Click here for Nov. ’23 pdf download)





Oct. ‘23 Triad, Newsletter of the AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch (Click here for Oct ’23 pdf)









Sept. ‘23 Triad, Newsletter of the AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch (Click here for PDF download)







June’23 Triad, Newsletter of the AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch (PDF for download)







May ’23 Triad, Newsletter of the AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch (PDF for download)







April ’23 Triad, Newsletter of the AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch (PDF for download)






March ’23 Triad, Newsletter of the AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch (PDF for download)







February ’23 Triad, Newsletter of the AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch (PDF for download)







December 2022-January 2023 Triad, Newsletter of the AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch (PDF for download)







November 2022 Triad, Newsletter of the AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch (PDF for download)







October 2022 Triad, Newsletter of the AAUW Mid-Peninsula Branch (PDF to download)